Sunday, April 27, 2008

PF, PF, PF !!!

Well its tomorrow, the day for the principle of Finance paper. Hopefully can do well and score. Well today I need to do revise all the 7 chapters plus do some papers. I got some revision books. My brain is fresh and empty like a sponge. So it's time to do some soaking. Haha.

After this it's 3 or maybe 2 weeks of holiday. Time to watch movies, go for a trip or two. I'm hoiping to catch Ironman this Thursday. THat would be like.........haha. Well maybe I'll blog something LONGER next time, but for now ..haha..:-)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

From OHR to PF

It finally passed !. The Organisation & Human Resource was justas wat the lecturer said. Chapters 1, 2, 9 and 10 came out for the essay, plus the chapter on motivation did not come out. So I should be glad 'bout that. But it makes you wonder, is justifiable that those who got A for this paper are actually those who studied and are passionate about OHR, instead of just following tips and study the so called spotted chapters only. Hmm?.

By the way, what has passed has passed, thus we must move on.:-). So the next exam will be Principles Of Finance. So it's time for me to put on my thinking cap and get to work. Haha.
Well I hope to do well also. So all the best to you all DAC students !!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Exams !, Exams ! and more exams

Exams !, Exams ! and more exams, yup people, exam fever has hit my college, the exams are just this week. Well for me I've got to deal with only; as it's my short semester. Its Organization & Human Resource, OHR for short, this Thursday. Well I hope i can get good results as its a quite "easy" subject, well it depends lar!!. I've studied 4 chapters today, so its 11 or maybe 10 more in the next 3 days.

So I've got a lot of ground to cover, but hopefully I can get it done, plus some research and a dash of past year papers. Well this is my recipe for tackling this paper. Fingers-crossed for "AVERAGE" paper; easy is no "FUN", but neither is "HARD".

Well thats all from me for now, but I'll be back. I kinda slack a bit in this blog business. Wakaka..thats all - BYZ

Friday, April 4, 2008

My Tiramisu Cake

A tiramisu,
of chocolate and coffee,
and cream,
caught between layers of sponge.

The sweetness of joy,
that is the brown chocolate
with the bitter chocolate,

How wonderful it is,
that the taste complement,
To make it bitter sweet,
With topping to go.