Friday, February 1, 2008

BORED !!!!...let me repeat BORED !!!!

OK, OK, this post is just to kill time. It has been only 3 days into my semester break, and it seems that, boredom has start to set in. I watch the hours pass by sleeping, going online just surfing the internet, looking at nonsense. I feel the hours pass slowly and day by day my brain begin to rot and soon, I gotta find a place to GO !!!.
OK here are some resolutions for my semester break.
1) Kill boredom, go out and watch some good movies.
2) Collect more money $$$, Chinese New Year is just around the bend people.
3) Not get fat, ok, chinese year goodies are definitely out of bounds or at least untill of ter the festival is over.
4)watch Batman , Ironman and tonnes of great show that are coming up.

OK so thats it. One resolution for each week untill the holidays are over...